Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This Is Who I am Human

Emotions that make people think we are normal: love, joy, happiness, hope. When we cry, when we are sad, when we walk away and give up. they see as a sign of being weak. But Its a sign of being human. A broken heart makes me know i have the ability to love, crying lets me know i am able to feel, feeling sad lets me know i am alive, walking away and giving up, lets me know theres a reason why I'm here, and what I'm giving up or walking away from is for the best of who i am. It all reminds me i am human. I refuse to love when i don't feel it, I refuse to put a smile on my face and lie to people, when all I want to do is cry, I refuse to speak or answer questions about my life because the truth is i trust no one. I refuse to make up a joyful life to brag about, when i have nothing i brag about. I'll let you see for yourself, at the right given time, who I am what my true colors are if you want. But you have your right, to above your own power to think as high or low of me, to judge or accept me for me. I'm human and i am not perfect, i never have and never will.