Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Opinion

I Understand If I'm no longer the first on your mind. I understand If your dreams are with someone else. I understand If you Cant Text Back. I understand If you don't call. But Please, Understand when, Your not the first or all on my mind. please understand when my dreams are no longer with you. please understand when i dont text back. please understand when i don't call. Don't get upset when i'm the first someone might think of. Don't get upset when i'm in an others dreams. Don't get upset when someone else text me. Don't get upset when someone else calls. When one stops trying its only so long before the other notices and gives up. Don't expect to be something special in ones life when you, yourself don't make that person the same. A relationship is about being their for the other person when they need you, a bond where both people become best friends, when something happens they run to each other. when one starts pushing away the other not only do you push them away from you but you push them away to the arms of someone new.

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