Saturday, December 6, 2014

you said you loved me

You said you loved me yet never showed it, one day a man came along who grew in obsession with me, kissed me and wrote to me. You never asked did you kiss him back you never bothered to find out the truth. You made assumptions and accused me of all. When I know I didn’t do none. I've always been a slut in your eyes what did you see in me you’d ask…. Well for what I know about love is that I won’t judge on your past. That if I ever was mad I wouldn't call you a dog. That if you fell and needed my help I would lend you a helping hand not walk up to you and kick you back down. The times I saw things that made me doubt you id grow some balls and ask you. Some things I never believed, but I played stupid and just walked away. I never stopped trying even after you did, I was always there and you never did care. Now that it’s over because of something you think I did. My conscious is clean, and at first it hurt because I thought it was love, but as soon as you moved on just a day after, I laughed at myself because love doesn’t die over night, rather it takes time. But tell me now who was at fault?. Who had someone on the side ready to go? I’m stupid; to love….love in full when having friends in your eyes was all a sin to you. When you, yourself had the same. I was nothing to you after all. I didn't betray you, I didn't cheat. Although in your eyes I supposedly did, left with a maybe or what if. What did you see in me?. What did I see in you?.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

All good comes to its end

Its amazing how something you so hard worked for is snatched away by the unknown. A simple miss understanding. Now to live a life of maybe or what if(s) we will never know. It wont be known because we are clouded. It's said all good things come to an end, but do they vanish from our memories?  How do you rip them off your heart along with all the memories that changed your life? Its easy to hate me for what you think I did. As easy for me to resent the things you thought of me. Because true love hurts less when it comes to an end if the love turns into hate its simple to walk away.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Opinion

I Understand If I'm no longer the first on your mind. I understand If your dreams are with someone else. I understand If you Cant Text Back. I understand If you don't call. But Please, Understand when, Your not the first or all on my mind. please understand when my dreams are no longer with you. please understand when i dont text back. please understand when i don't call. Don't get upset when i'm the first someone might think of. Don't get upset when i'm in an others dreams. Don't get upset when someone else text me. Don't get upset when someone else calls. When one stops trying its only so long before the other notices and gives up. Don't expect to be something special in ones life when you, yourself don't make that person the same. A relationship is about being their for the other person when they need you, a bond where both people become best friends, when something happens they run to each other. when one starts pushing away the other not only do you push them away from you but you push them away to the arms of someone new.

Monday, October 21, 2013

My name is depression

My name is Regina, my mother suffers from depression, and I pay for it each day. I hate going home, I'm scared to talk, and when I am home, I’m in my room all day. When I speak out things end up worst it all turns back on me. I have a family, mother, and father And two young sisters. With a relationship of strangers, what family do I have?.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

This Is Who I am Human

Emotions that make people think we are normal: love, joy, happiness, hope. When we cry, when we are sad, when we walk away and give up. they see as a sign of being weak. But Its a sign of being human. A broken heart makes me know i have the ability to love, crying lets me know i am able to feel, feeling sad lets me know i am alive, walking away and giving up, lets me know theres a reason why I'm here, and what I'm giving up or walking away from is for the best of who i am. It all reminds me i am human. I refuse to love when i don't feel it, I refuse to put a smile on my face and lie to people, when all I want to do is cry, I refuse to speak or answer questions about my life because the truth is i trust no one. I refuse to make up a joyful life to brag about, when i have nothing i brag about. I'll let you see for yourself, at the right given time, who I am what my true colors are if you want. But you have your right, to above your own power to think as high or low of me, to judge or accept me for me. I'm human and i am not perfect, i never have and never will.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


We are humans we are born to someone who loves us if we are lucky. We grow to learn the cruelty of mankind (humans) all the good and the bad the just and injustice of life. To each given the opportunity to create and destroy . To multiply and teach. To leave behind a piece of our DNA of who we where to do the same. Some normal human feelings are.... happiness sadness and pain. All the other ones are just in between. We are in control of how our lives will be depending on the choices we make the path we walk and who we walk with. We decide who what when where and how... who makes us smile what makes us sad or hurt... we decide when someone should be given the right to either make us happy or make us sad... we decide where it will take us after they do so. And we decide how it will affect us. There's one emotion no one has control of. The crazy little word known as Love. Love introduced us to many other emotions/feelings. Jealousy insecurities doubt failure. Of course there's always that possibility you actually end up with the right person and live a happily ever after. And we could all do that if we learn to control the feelings how much you give to a person (emotionally) will determine how much pain will be if something goes wrong. Rational thinking might seem harsh. But in reality it isn't. Who knows maybe changing a little wont hurt... do what makes you happy think of you and what you want what you need. Get rid of excess weight. Do what you think is fair. And you will see how little you will mind the people around you.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

fade away love

All that you have told me, All that you made me believe is fading away. Today I'm realizing you never meant a word you said. The worm is eating up and killing it all, its taking control of all my thoughts it created doubts i never meant, and leaving me with emptiness. Loneliness has never left, when shall it change? why should it change? If i cant run to the one i want, then in who shall i find the refuge i seek? ill just run away, hide beneath the truth.... the feeling is greater than ever before why shall i go through this once more? tell me today or forget me then. push away love...push away pain... I'm giving up I'M saving my self from the pain i once had felt....